Worshipping God the way He wants

"...offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 12:1 (NIV)


True worship is the response of your heart in obeying God’s Word. Companies invest millions of dollars into advertising campaigns intending to lure consumers to their products. They create short and catchy phrases to influence them to buy their product or service. For example, a pizza commercial can come on during a TV show, and after seeing it, you may suddenly want to order a pizza.  

The more we listen, the stronger we are influenced. Despite our commitment, resisting can be tough, especially when there is an appeal to our senses and emotions. It can shape how we think and act. Well, the good news is that there is a positive side to being influenced by what we hear.  

The Bible teaches us that Worship Him by offering ourselves as a living sacrifice The people in Nehemiah's day experienced this. In Nehemiah 8:18, the Bible says," Day after Day, from the first day to the last, Ezra read from the Book of the Law of God." As a result, people of God fasted, separated themselves, and confessed their sins (Nehemiah 9:1-3) 

Worship Him by offering yourself as a living sacrifice.This is a worship that involves the mind and the heart as opposed to a worship that simply “goes through the motions” (“spiritual,” in the sense of “inner”).  This is a worship that honors God by giving him what he truly wants as opposed to the depraved worship offered by human beings under the power of sin (“spiritual” or “rational,” in the sense of “appropriate for human beings as rational and spiritual creatures of God”)


Putting God first